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Sarah Geronimo image

Sarah Geronimo

Birthday July 25, 1988 (age 36)
Birthplace Manila , Philippines
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Biographical Information
Sarah Asher Tuazon Geronimo

(1988-07-25) July 25, 1988 (age 35)
Santa Cruz [2], Manila [3], Philippines
Professional Roles

Singer, actress

Active Years1992–present
Agent(s)Viva Artists Agency [4] (2003–present)
Marital History
(married in 2020)
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🎉 Happy Birthday Sarah Geronimo! 🎂

Sarah Geronimo's About


Sarah Geronimo was born on July 25, 1988 (age 36) in Manila, Philippines. She is a Celebrity Singer. Singer who, at fourteen years old, won the singing competition Star for a Night in 2003. Her first album, Popstar: A Dream Come True, came out in 2003 as well. According to numerology, Sarah Geronimo's Life Path Number is 4.
She joined movies and tvshows named Miss Granny (2018), ASAP (Since 1995), Finally Found Someone (2017), A Very Special Love (2008) and It Takes a Man and a Woman (2013). Her popular songs are Kiss Me, Kiss MeMiss Granny (Original Movie Soundtrack) · 2018, Forever's Not Enough2003 and KilometroPerfectly Imperfect · 2014. The parents of Sarah Geronimo are Delfin Geronimo, Divina Geronimo. Her spouse is Matteo Guidicelli (m. 2020). Sarah Geronimo has 3 siblings in Her family: Ezekiel Gabriel Geronimo, Johna Rizzie Geronimo, Sunshine Grace Geronimo. Her height is 5′ 4″. Sarah Geronimo has an estimated net worth of $10 Million in 2024. You can find Her website below: More information on Sarah Geronimo can be found here. This article will clarify Sarah Geronimo's Maybe This Time Dance, Maybe This Time, To Love You More, Siblings, Maybe This Time Lyrics, A Very Special Love, And Matteo Guidicelli, Billboard, Latest News, Wedding, and other information.


Sarah Geronimo FAQ

Family, Spouse, Dating, and Relationships of Sarah Geronimo


Her mother used her prize money from Star for a Night to fund her school tuition.

Sarah Geronimo on Social Media


Instagram photos and videos from Sarah Geronimo:

Youtube videos from Sarah Geronimo:

Sarah Geronimo's news on her Twitter:

Sarah Geronimo on Facebook:

Sarah Geronimo Before Fame


Sarah Geronimo, born 7-25-1988, preceding her celebrity status in Pop Singer, she started singing publicly at age two, had her first TV appearance at age four, and by age six she sang for Pope John Paul II (Religious Leader).

Pope John Paul II

Pope John Paul II

Religious Leader

Success of Sarah Geronimo


Being a celebrated name in Pop Singer, she released her debut album after winning a singing competition and scored three #1 singles.

Associated with


She co-starred with John Lloyd Cruz (Soap Opera Actor) in the 2008 romantic comedy film A Very Special Love. Taylor Swift, Rihanna, Adele, and Lady Gaga were also Her acquaintances.

John Lloyd Cruz

John Lloyd Cruz

Soap Opera Actor

The Numerology of Sarah Geronimo


Sarah Geronimo's Life Path Number is 4 as per numerology. The Life Path Number 4 is associated with people who are practical, sensible, pragmatic and rational by nature. They are quite methodical and well ordered apart from being efficient in their essence. It means they have a rational thought process while making any decision in life.


Sarah Geronimo's personal year in numerology


This year is Sarah Geronimo’s personal year number 4, the first bottoming phase in the 9-year cycle. This is not the year for Sarah Geronimo to start a new project or have big plans. The advice for Sarah Geronimo is that She can rest, and strengthen Her inner strength to prepare for the 5th year.

Net Worth


Sarah Geronimo's estimated Net Worth, Salary, Income, Cars, Lifestyles & many more details have been updated below. Let's check, How Rich is She in 2023-2024?
According to Forbes, Wikipedia, IMDB, and other reputable online sources, Sarah Geronimo has an estimated net worth of $10 Million at the age of 36 years old. She has earned most of her wealth from her thriving career as a Singer from Philippines. It is possible that She makes money from other undiscovered sources

Sarah Geronimo Height Weight


At the age of 36, Sarah Geronimo height is 5′ 4″.

Houses & Cars & Luxury Brands


Sarah Geronimo's house, cars and luxury brand in 2024 will be updated as soon as possible, you can also click edit to let us know about this information.


Facts About Sarah Geronimo


● Sarah Geronimo was born on July 25, 1988 (age 36) in Manila, Philippines
● She is a Celebrity Pop Singer
● She joined movies and tvshows named Miss Granny (2018), ASAP (Since 1995), Finally Found Someone (2017), A Very Special Love (2008) and It Takes a Man and a Woman (2013)
● Her popular songs are Kiss Me, Kiss MeMiss Granny (Original Movie Soundtrack) · 2018, Forever's Not Enough2003 and KilometroPerfectly Imperfect · 2014
The parents of Sarah Geronimo are Delfin Geronimo, Divina Geronimo
● Her spouse is Matteo Guidicelli (m. 2020)
● Sarah Geronimo has 3 siblings in Her family: Ezekiel Gabriel Geronimo, Johna Rizzie Geronimo, Sunshine Grace Geronimo
● Her height is 5′ 4″
● Sarah Geronimo has an estimated net worth of $10 Million in @year
● You can find Her website below:
● Her real name is Sarah Geronimo



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