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Gordon Earle Moore image

Gordon Earle Moore

Birthday January 3, 1929 (age 94)
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How old is Gordon Earle Moore: 94 years old Male

Birthday: January 3, 1929

Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Death date: March 23, 2023

Gordon Earle Moore Wikipedia

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Gordon Earle Moore's About


Gordon Earle Moore was born on January 3, 1929 (age 94) in Pescadero, California, United States. He is a Celebrity Business Executive. American businessman and engineer best known as being the co-founder and emeritus chairman of Intel Corporation. He was also known for proposing Moore's Law, which makes the observation that the number of transistors in an integrated circuit doubles roughly every two years. According to numerology, Gordon Earle Moore's Life Path Number is 7.
More information on Gordon Earle Moore can be found here. This article will clarify Gordon Earle Moore's Em 1965 Estabeleceu, Invention, Net Worth, Religion, and other information.


Gordon Earle Moore FAQ

Family, Spouse, Dating, and Relationships of Gordon Earle Moore


In 1950, he married his wife Betty Moore. They had two children named Kenneth Moore and Steven Moore. He is the second son of Walter Harold Moore and Florence Almira "Mira" Williamson. 

Gordon Earle Moore on Social Media


Gordon Earle Moore Before Fame


Gordon Earle Moore, born 1-3-1929, prior to his renown in the Business Executive world, from 1942 to 1946, he studied at Sequoia High School. From 1946 to 1947, he went to San Jose State University (schools) to major in chemistry. In 1948, he transferred to the University of California, (schools) Berkeley. In 1954, he received a PhD in chemistry from the California Institute of Technology (schools).

Success of Gordon Earle Moore


In Business Executive professional career, from 1953 to 1956, he conducted postdoctoral research at the applied physics laboratory at Johns Hopkins University. He was awarded the National Medal of Technology in 1990.

Associated with


While at the University of California, he took chemistry courses taught by Glenn T. Seaborg (Chem.) and Melvin Calvin (Chem.). Li Ka-shing, and Paolo Gucci were also His acquaintances.

The Numerology of Gordon Earle Moore


Life Path Number 7 is all about introspection and self-awareness. People with a Life Path Number 7 like Gordon Earle Moore often have an intense inner journey, and they are constantly exploring their own minds and souls. They are seekers of knowledge, and they are always looking to improve themselves.


Gordon Earle Moore's personal year in numerology


This year, Gordon Earle Moore’s personal year number is 3. The personal year number is 3 is outstanding year of strong brain development. Learning something new, a new language, a new degree, .. is the best choice for Gordon Earle Moore this year.

Gordon Earle Moore Net Worth


Information about His net worth in 2024 is being updated as soon as possible by infofamouspeople.com, You can also click edit to tell us what the Net Worth of the Gordon Earle Moore is


Facts About Gordon Earle Moore


● Gordon Earle Moore was born on January 3, 1929 (age 94) in Pescadero, California, United States
● He is a Celebrity Business Executive
● His real name is Gordon Earle Moore


  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?search=Gordon Earle Moore&title=Special%3ASearch&fulltext=1&ns0=1

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