Elizabeth Hamilton image

Elizabeth Hamilton image

Elizabeth Hamilton

Birthday August 9, 1757 (age 97)
Birthplace New York , United States
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How old is Elizabeth Hamilton: 97 years old Female

Birthday: August 9, 1757

Zodiac sign: Leo
Nationality: New York , United States
Spouse: Alexander Hamilton (m. 1780–1804)
siblings: Angelica Schuyler Church
Death date: November 9, 1854
Died: November 9, 1854, Washington, D.C.
Children: Eliza Hamilton Holly, Philip Hamilton, Angelica Hamilton

Elizabeth Hamilton Wikipedia

πŸŽ‚ Countdown to Elizabeth Hamilton's birthday in New York TimeπŸŽ‰
πŸŽ‰ Happy Birthday Elizabeth Hamilton! πŸŽ‚

Elizabeth Hamilton's About


Elizabeth Hamilton was born on August 9, 1757 (age 97) in New York, United States. She is a Celebrity Political Wife. Known for being Alexander Hamilton (Pol.)'s wife, she fiercely defended her husband's reputation. Her family, the Rensseleaers, were one of the richest and most politically powerful families in the state of New York.
She died on November 9, 1854, Washington, D.C.. She had 3 children Eliza Hamilton Holly, Philip Hamilton, Angelica Hamilton. Her spouse is Alexander Hamilton (m. 1780–1804). Elizabeth Hamilton has 1 sibling in Her family: Angelica Schuyler Church. More information on Elizabeth Hamilton can be found here. This article will clarify Elizabeth Hamilton's Guarino, Quotes, Linkedin, Children, Orphanage, Grave, Musical, Book, Accomplishments, and other information.

Alexander Hamilton

Alexander Hamilton



Elizabeth Hamilton FAQ

Family, Spouse, Dating, and Relationships of Elizabeth Hamilton


Her maiden name was Schuyler. She had eight children with Alexander Hamilton.

Elizabeth Hamilton on Social Media


Elizabeth Hamilton Before Fame


Elizabeth Hamilton, born 8-9-1757, earlier in her life, her marriage was arranged, because Alexander Hamilton had strict criteria for what he wanted in a wife.

Success of Elizabeth Hamilton


As an accomplished Political Wife, she came from one of New York's most influential families, the Rensselaers of the Manor of Rensselaerswyck.

Associated with


She had a lifelong feud with James Monroe (US President) because of his accusations against her husband; even on her deathbed she refused to forgive him. Eva Braun, Alexander Hamilton, and Eva PerΓ³n were also Her acquaintances.

James Monroe

James Monroe

US President

The Numerology of Elizabeth Hamilton


Elizabeth Hamilton's Life Path Number is 1 as per numerology, she is a purposeful and a goal-oriented person who has a lot of determination and dedication to reach her goal. Such is the power of her zest to achieve something in life with hard work and resolution. She puts her heart and soul into accomplishing her goals.


Elizabeth Hamilton's personal year in numerology


Elizabeth Hamilton was born in 1757, that means in 2024, Elizabeth Hamilton has personal year number 7. This is the second bottoming phase, there will be many challenges and difficulties for Elizabeth Hamilton in this year, especially in Her career. She should prepare everything for the 8th year.

Elizabeth Hamilton Net Worth


Information about Her net worth in 2024 is being updated as soon as possible by infofamouspeople.com, You can also click edit to tell us what the Net Worth of the Elizabeth Hamilton is


Facts About Elizabeth Hamilton


● Elizabeth Hamilton was born on August 9, 1757 (age 97) in New York, United States
● She is a Celebrity Political Wife
● She died on November 9, 1854, Washington, D.C
● She had 3 children Eliza Hamilton Holly, Philip Hamilton, Angelica Hamilton
● Her spouse is Alexander Hamilton (m. 1780–1804)
● Elizabeth Hamilton has 1 sibling in Her family: Angelica Schuyler Church
● Her real name is Elizabeth Hamilton


  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?search=Elizabeth Hamilton&title=Special%3ASearch&fulltext=1&ns0=1

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