Rasec Sagrav

Birthday May 4, 1986 (age 38)
Birthplace Mexico
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How old is Rasec Sagrav: 38 years old Male

Birthday: May 4, 1986

Zodiac sign: Taurus
Nationality: Mexico
How tall is Rasec Sagrav : 5´8
Hair_Color: Black
Eye_Color: Dark Brown
Net Worth: $2-5 Million

Rasec Sagrav Wikipedia

🎂 Countdown to Rasec Sagrav's birthday in New York Time🎉
🎉 Happy Birthday Rasec Sagrav! 🎂

Rasec Sagrav's About


Rasec Sagrav was born on May 4, 1986 (age 38) in Mexico. He is a Celebrity Artist. Cesar Vargas, mejor conocido como Rasec Sagrav es uno de los peinadores mas famosos en México, ha colaborado para editoriales con la mayoria de las revistas mas importantes en México y Latinoamérica como: ELLE, Harpers Bazaar, Marie Claire, InStyle, Glamour, Vogue; para internacionales como: Telva España, The Magazine Bangkok, Paper City Houston; reconocido por múltiples celebridades como cantantes y actrices como: Maria Jose, Paulina Goto, Martha Debayle, Paulina Rubio, Barbara De Regil, entre muchas otras, ademas de su participación en importantes desfiles de moda con diseñadores nacionales e internacionales como: Jean Paul Gaultier, Jennifer Lopez, Dolce & Gabbana; actualmente es el editor de la plataforma de peluqueros mas importante del país HairMexico.NET
His weight is 176.37. His height is 5´8. He has Black hair. His eyes color are Dark Brown. Rasec Sagrav has an estimated net worth of $2-5 Million (Last Update: August 24, 2024). More information on Rasec Sagrav can be found here. This article will clarify Rasec Sagrav's Net Worth, Wikipedia, Age, Birthday, Height, Numerology and other information.


Rasec Sagrav on Social Media


Instagram photos and videos from Rasec Sagrav: https://www.instagram.com/rasec.hair/.

Rasec Sagrav on Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/rasec.hair.

The Numerology of Rasec Sagrav


Rasec Sagrav's Life Path Number is 6, The Life Path Number 6 is associated with a lot of love, affection, care, and humility. He is someone who likes to serve humanity for a more significant cause. He has a lot of empathy towards the ones who are weak and are suffering. It gives him immense joy to help people.


Rasec Sagrav's personal year in numerology


This year, Rasec Sagrav’s personal year number is 8. The number 8 in personal year represents independence and intelligence. This is also the upward phase in the 9-year cycle, everything will gradually go smoothly, Rasec Sagrav will have the opportunity to make a breakthrough for great development!

Net Worth


Rasec Sagrav's estimated Net Worth, Salary, Income, Cars, Lifestyles & many more details have been updated below. Let's check, How Rich is He in 2023-2024?
According to Forbes, Wikipedia, IMDB, and other reputable online sources, Rasec Sagrav has an estimated net worth of $2-5 Million at the age of 38 years old. He has earned most of his wealth from his thriving career as a Artist from Mexico. It is possible that He makes money from other undiscovered sources

Rasec Sagrav Height Weight


At the age of 38, Rasec Sagrav height is 5´8. His weight is 176.37 .

Houses & Cars & Luxury Brands


Rasec Sagrav's house, cars and luxury brand in 2024 will be updated as soon as possible, you can also click edit to let us know about this information.


Facts About Rasec Sagrav


● Rasec Sagrav was born on May 4, 1986 (age 38) in Mexico
● He is a Celebrity Artist
His weight is 176.37
● His height is 5´8
● He has Black hair
● His eyes color are Dark Brown
● Rasec Sagrav has an estimated net worth of $2-5 Million (Last Update: August 24, 2024).
● His real name is Rasec Sagrav


  1. https://www.instagram.com/rasec.hair/
  2. https://www.facebook.com/rasec.hair
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?search=Rasec Sagrav&title=Special%3ASearch&fulltext=1&ns0=1

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