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Niels Hansen image

Niels Hansen

Birthday January 4, 1866 (age 84)
Birthplace Denmark
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How old is Niels Hansen: 84 years old Male

Birthday: January 4, 1866

Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Nationality: Denmark
Education: Iowa State University;
Death date: October 5, 1950
Died: October 5, 1950, Brookings, SD
Parents: Andreas Hansen

Niels Hansen Wikipedia

🎂 Countdown to Niels Hansen's birthday in Copenhagen Time🎉
🎉 Happy Birthday Niels Hansen! 🎂

Niels Hansen's About


Niels Hansen was born on January 4, 1866 (age 84) in Denmark. He is a Celebrity Botanist. Botanist who adapted hundreds of species of plants to thrive in the arid conditions of America's Great Plains. He released his first work on the breeding of fruits in 1893.
His education: Iowa State University. He died on October 5, 1950, Brookings, SD. The parents of Niels Hansen are Andreas Hansen. More information on Niels Hansen can be found here. This article will clarify Niels Hansen's Mep, Denmark, Stadium, Pinhole, Göttingen, Youtube, Maler, Hamburg, Transport, Esm, and other information.


Niels Hansen FAQ

Family, Spouse, Dating, and Relationships of Niels Hansen


He was born in Ribe County, Denmark and his father was a muralist.

Niels Hansen on Social Media


Niels Hansen Before Fame


Niels Hansen, born 1-4-1866, before becoming well-known in the Botanist field, after graduation from Iowa State College, he founded the South Dakota State College's Horticultural Department.

Success of Niels Hansen


As an accomplished Botanist, traveling to Europe on botany expeditions, he would pick out dozens of varieties of new plants, and then transport them back to the states to cross-breed with American versions.

Associated with


Harriet Creighton was another well-know botanist, who also contributed to the science of breeding plants. George Washington Carver, Carl Linnaeus, and David Bellamy were also His acquaintances.

The Numerology of Niels Hansen


In Numerology, People with the Life Path Number 8 are usually associated with being natural and prolific leaders. They have excellent management skills and are always up to achieving something great, especially when involved in financial or business matters. Niels Hansen is a person like that.


Niels Hansen's personal year in numerology


This year is Niels Hansen’s personal year number 4, the first bottoming phase in the 9-year cycle. This is not the year for Niels Hansen to start a new project or have big plans. The advice for Niels Hansen is that He can rest, and strengthen His inner strength to prepare for the 5th year.

Niels Hansen Net Worth


Information about His net worth in 2024 is being updated as soon as possible by, You can also click edit to tell us what the Net Worth of the Niels Hansen is


Facts About Niels Hansen


● Niels Hansen was born on January 4, 1866 (age 84) in Denmark
● He is a Celebrity Botanist
● His education: Iowa State University
● He died on October 5, 1950, Brookings, SD
The parents of Niels Hansen are Andreas Hansen
● His real name is Niels Hansen


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