Lilia Buckingham image

Lilia Buckingham image

Lilia Buckingham

Birthday April 9, 2003 (age 21)
Birthplace United States
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Biographical Information (2003-04-09) April 9, 2003 (age 20)
Active Years2012–present
FamilyMarcus Buckingham [2] (father)
Jane Buckingham [3] (mother)
Official Site
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This is the Wikipedia page for Lilia Buckingham

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🎉 Happy Birthday Lilia Buckingham! 🎂

Lilia Buckingham's About


Lilia Buckingham was born on April 9, 2003 (age 21) in United States. She is a Celebrity Dancer. Competitive dancer at the MNR Dance Factory who has met several performers from the show Dance Moms (show), though she never appeared on the show herself. She later landed lead roles on the Brat web series such as Chicken Girls (web-series), Dirt (web-series) and Total Eclipse (web-series).
You can find Her website below: Lilia Buckingham has an estimated net worth of $3 million. Lilia Buckingham height is 1.63 m. More information on Lilia Buckingham can be found here. This article will clarify Lilia Buckingham's Net Worth, Height, And Jillian Shea Spaeder, Crown Lake, Boyfriend, Birthday, Book, And Jaeden Martell, Tiktok, Hocus Pocus 2, and other information.

Lilia Buckingham 18 years18 years


Lilia Buckingham FAQ

Family, Spouse, Dating, and Relationships of Lilia Buckingham


She has an older brother named Jack. Her mother Jane is an author who wrote books titled The Modern Girl's Guide to Life and The Modern Girl's Guide to Sticky Situations. She also wrote a Huffington Post piece about Lilia called Four Seconds of Fame. She was formerly romantically linked with Jillian Shea Spaeder (TV Actress) and Jaeden Martell (Movie Actor). She started dating Emma Garner in 2023.

Jaeden Martell

Jaeden Martell

Movie Actor

Lilia Buckingham on Social Media


Lilia Buckingham Before Fame


Lilia Buckingham, born 4-9-2003, before becoming well-known in the Dancer field, she played softball and soccer and also did horseback riding and ice skating growing up. 

Success of Lilia Buckingham


As an accomplished Dancer, she has made appearances on Modern Family (show) and Good Morning America (show). She was featured in a Famous Birthdays "Day In The Life (video)" video in 2018. She and Sara Shepard published a book titled Influence in 2021.

Sara Shepard

Sara Shepard


Associated with


She became close friends with Dance Moms personality Mackenzie Ziegler (Dancer). The two visited the Famous Birthdays office together for Bryce Xavier (Musically Star)'s birthday party. Jaeden Martell, and Jillian Shea Spaeder were also Her acquaintances.

Bryce Xavier

Bryce Xavier

Musically Star

The Numerology of Lilia Buckingham


Being a Life Path Number 9 means embarking on a lifelong quest to quench an insatiable thirst for growth and new experiences. Life Path Number 9 people like Lilia Buckingham are always searching for more: more experiences, more education, more deep talks, and the next adventure.


Lilia Buckingham's personal year in numerology


This year, Lilia Buckingham’s personal year number is 3. The personal year number is 3 is outstanding year of strong brain development. Learning something new, a new language, a new degree, .. is the best choice for Lilia Buckingham this year.

Net Worth


Lilia Buckingham's estimated Net Worth, Salary, Income, Cars, Lifestyles & many more details have been updated below. Let's check, How Rich is She in 2023-2024?
According to Forbes, Wikipedia, IMDB, and other reputable online sources, Lilia Buckingham has an estimated net worth of $3 million at the age of 21 years old. She has earned most of her wealth from her thriving career as a Dancer from United States. It is possible that She makes money from other undiscovered sources

Lilia Buckingham Height Weight


At the age of 21, Lilia Buckingham height is 1.65 m.

Lilia Buckingham 17 years17 years

Houses & Cars & Luxury Brands


Lilia Buckingham's house, cars and luxury brand in 2024 will be updated as soon as possible, you can also click edit to let us know about this information.


Facts About Lilia Buckingham


● Lilia Buckingham was born on April 9, 2003 (age 21) in United States
● She is a Celebrity Dancer
● You can find Her website below:
● Lilia Buckingham has an estimated net worth of $3 million
● Lilia Buckingham height is 1.63 m
● Her real name is Lilia Buckingham



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