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Anne Sophie Cochevelou image

Anne Sophie Cochevelou

Birthday April 11, 1990 (age 34)
Birthplace France
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How old is Anne Sophie Cochevelou: 34 years old Female

Birthday: April 11, 1990

Zodiac sign: Aries
Nationality: France
Net Worth: $2-5 Million

Anne Sophie Cochevelou Wikipedia

🎂 Countdown to Anne Sophie Cochevelou's birthday in New York Time🎉
🎉 Happy Birthday Anne Sophie Cochevelou! 🎂

Anne Sophie Cochevelou's About


Anne Sophie Cochevelou was born on April 11, 1990 (age 34) in France. She is a Celebrity Fashion Designer. French costume and jewel designer who focuses primarily on creating extravagant and playful wearable art. She often integrates pieces of jewelry she has found a charity shops, flea markets, and more. Her style is known as Ecodecadent.
Anne Sophie Cochevelou has an estimated net worth of $2-5 Million (Last Update: September 3, 2024). More information on Anne Sophie Cochevelou can be found here. This article will clarify Anne Sophie Cochevelou's Net Worth, Wikipedia, Age, Birthday, Height, Numerology and other information.

Anne Sophie Cochevelou


Anne Sophie Cochevelou FAQ

Family, Spouse, Dating, and Relationships of Anne Sophie Cochevelou


She was born and raised in Paris, France before moving to London. 

Anne Sophie Cochevelou

Anne Sophie Cochevelou on Social Media


Anne Sophie Cochevelou Before Fame


Anne Sophie Cochevelou, born 4-11-1990, before achieving notoriety as a Fashion Designer, she graduated with a MA in Performance Design and Practice from Central Saint Martins and a BA in French Literature & Drama. 

Success of Anne Sophie Cochevelou


As an accomplished Fashion Designer, she has 70,000 total followers on Instagram. She posts many examples of her work on the sophiecochevelou page. 

Associated with


She has made outfits for celebs like Jodie Harsh (DJ).  Charlie May, Zellswag, Isaiah Garza, and Gunnar Deatherage were also Her acquaintances.

The Numerology of Anne Sophie Cochevelou


Life Path Number 7 is all about introspection and self-awareness. People with a Life Path Number 7 like Anne Sophie Cochevelou often have an intense inner journey, and they are constantly exploring their own minds and souls. They are seekers of knowledge, and they are always looking to improve themselves.


Anne Sophie Cochevelou's personal year in numerology


In 2024, Anne Sophie Cochevelou’s personal year number is 5, the year of freedom. This year is in phase of upward cycle, representing growth so that Anne Sophie Cochevelou can start doing new things.

Net Worth


Anne Sophie Cochevelou's estimated Net Worth, Salary, Income, Cars, Lifestyles & many more details have been updated below. Let's check, How Rich is She in 2023-2024?
According to Forbes, Wikipedia, IMDB, and other reputable online sources, Anne Sophie Cochevelou has an estimated net worth of $2-5 Million at the age of 34 years old. She has earned most of her wealth from her thriving career as a Fashion Designer from France. It is possible that She makes money from other undiscovered sources

Anne Sophie Cochevelou

Houses & Cars & Luxury Brands


Anne Sophie Cochevelou's house, cars and luxury brand in 2024 will be updated as soon as possible, you can also click edit to let us know about this information.


Facts About Anne Sophie Cochevelou


● Anne Sophie Cochevelou was born on April 11, 1990 (age 34) in France
● She is a Celebrity Fashion Designer
● Anne Sophie Cochevelou has an estimated net worth of $2-5 Million (Last Update: September 3, 2024).
● Her real name is Anne Sophie Cochevelou


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