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Niki Demartino image

Niki Demartino

Birthday May 5, 1995 (age 29)
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How old is Niki Demartino: 29 years old Female

Birthday: May 5, 1995

Zodiac sign: Taurus
Nationality: Pennsylvania , United States
How tall is Niki Demartino : 1.68 m
Genre: beauty
Net Worth: $2 million
Height: 5′ 1 - 1.55 m

Niki Demartino Wikipedia

🎂 Countdown to Niki Demartino's birthday in New York Time🎉
🎉 Happy Birthday Niki Demartino! 🎂

Niki Demartino's About


Niki Demartino was born on May 5, 1995 (age 29) in Pennsylvania, United States. She is a Celebrity YouTube Star. Beauty and fashion YouTube guru who collaborates with her twin sister Gabi on the channel Niki and Gabi (webgroup). Their channel has earned over 9 million subscribers. In June 2015, she and Gabi released their first single "It." She also has her own YouTube channel called Niki DeMar, which has accumulated more than 2 million subscribers.
Niki Demartino has an estimated net worth of $2 million. Niki Demartino height is 5′ 1 - 1.55 m. More information on Niki Demartino can be found here. This article will clarify Niki Demartino's Net Worth, Height, Married, Ethnicity, Tiktok, Full Name, Ex, Nate West, Husband, Boyfriend, and other information.



YouTube Star


Niki Demartino FAQ

Family, Spouse, Dating, and Relationships of Niki Demartino


She is from Pennsylvania and later moved to Los Angeles, California. Apart from her two sisters, she has a younger brother named Anthony DeMartino (YouTube Star) who is also a YouTuber. She began dating Nate West (Drummer) in 2017. In June 2022, she posted a video that her and Nate remain friends but are no longer together. She has been openly bisexual. She is romantically linked to singer-songwriter Julianne Hope since 2024.

Anthony DeMartino

Anthony DeMartino

YouTube Star
Nate West

Nate West


Niki Demartino on Social Media


Youtube videos from Niki Demartino:

Niki Demartino Before Fame


Niki Demartino, born 5-5-1995, before becoming well-known in the YouTube Star field, she and Gabi originally created their YouTube channel as nikiandgabibeauty; they published their first video on the same day of September 3, 2012. 

Success of Niki Demartino


In YouTube Star professional career, she runs another channel called 00RemakeGirls (webgroup) with Gabi as well as her older sister Alex. 



YouTube Star

Associated with


The first video she and Gabi published was called Demi Lovato (Pop Singer) Inspired Curls Tutorial." Gabi DeMartino, Alex Demartino, and Nate West were also Her acquaintances.

Demi Lovato

Demi Lovato

Pop Singer

The Numerology of Niki Demartino


Life Path Number 7 is all about introspection and self-awareness. People with a Life Path Number 7 like Niki Demartino often have an intense inner journey, and they are constantly exploring their own minds and souls. They are seekers of knowledge, and they are always looking to improve themselves.


Niki Demartino's personal year in numerology


This year is Niki Demartino’s personal year number 9. The number 9 is the peak of change because this is the time to close an old cycle and open a new cycle. There will be lots of new things in this year. Niki Demartino may has chances such as moving house, changing job, severing some old relationships, giving birth to a new relationship…

Net Worth


Niki Demartino's estimated Net Worth, Salary, Income, Cars, Lifestyles & many more details have been updated below. Let's check, How Rich is She in 2023-2024?
According to Forbes, Wikipedia, IMDB, and other reputable online sources, Niki Demartino has an estimated net worth of $2 million at the age of 29 years old. She has earned most of her wealth from her thriving career as a YouTube Star from United States. It is possible that She makes money from other undiscovered sources

Niki Demartino Height Weight


At the age of 29, Niki Demartino height is 1.68 m.

Niki Demartino

Houses & Cars & Luxury Brands


Niki Demartino's house, cars and luxury brand in 2024 will be updated as soon as possible, you can also click edit to let us know about this information.


Facts About Niki Demartino


● Niki Demartino was born on May 5, 1995 (age 29) in Pennsylvania, United States
● She is a Celebrity YouTube Star
● Niki Demartino has an estimated net worth of $2 million
● Niki Demartino height is 5′ 1 - 1.55 m
● Her real name is Niki Demartino


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