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Netta Barzilai image

Netta Barzilai

Birthday January 22, 1993 (age 31)
Birthplace Hod HaSharon , Israel
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Birth nameNetta Barzilai
Also known asNetta
Biographical Information (1993-01-22) 22 January 1993 (age 30)
Hod HaSharon [2], Israel
Occupation(s)Singer-songwriter, musician[citation needed [5]]
Years active2012–present
Associated Record Labels

S-Curve [6], Tedy Productions, BMG [7]

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Netta Barzilai's About


Netta Barzilai was born on January 22, 1993 (age 31) in Hod HaSharon, Israel. She is a Celebrity World Music Singer. Singer who scored a viral hit with her song "Toy," which was written for the 2018 Eurovision Song Contest (winner), which she went on to later win. She had previously won season five of the Israeli singing competition HaKokhav HaBa.  According to numerology, Netta Barzilai's Life Path Number is 9.
Her nationality is Israeli. Her genres are Pop,electropop. She joined tvshow named Rising Star. In Her career, Netta Barzilai has achieved an ACUM's Award for Outstanding International Achievement. You can find Her website below: Netta Barzilai has an estimated net worth of $2-5 Million (Last Update: September 18, 2024). More information on Netta Barzilai can be found here. This article will clarify Netta Barzilai's Dancing With The Stars, Videos, Gaza, Twitter, Wonderful And Great Lyrics, Toy Videos, Movies And Tv Shows, I Love My Nails Lyrics, Ceo Lyrics, Eurovision, and other information.


Netta Barzilai FAQ

Family, Spouse, Dating, and Relationships of Netta Barzilai


Her family is originally from the country of Georgia. 

Netta Barzilai on Social Media


Instagram photos and videos from Netta Barzilai:

Youtube videos from Netta Barzilai:

Netta Barzilai's news on her Twitter:

Netta Barzilai on Facebook:

Netta Barzilai Before Fame


Netta Barzilai, born 1-22-1993, prior to her renown in the World Music Singer world, she was raised in Hod HaSharon, Israel except for the four years she spent living in Nigeria as a child. 

Success of Netta Barzilai


Being a celebrated name in World Music Singer, the Ugandan dance group Spoon Youth posted a viral video set to "Toy." 

Associated with


She has covered Kesha (Pop Singer)'s "TiK ToK." Burna Boy, Baby Lasagna, and Alexander Rybak were also Her acquaintances.



Pop Singer

The Numerology of Netta Barzilai


Being a Life Path Number 9 means embarking on a lifelong quest to quench an insatiable thirst for growth and new experiences. Life Path Number 9 people like Netta Barzilai are always searching for more: more experiences, more education, more deep talks, and the next adventure.


Netta Barzilai's personal year in numerology


This year is Netta Barzilai’s personal year number 4, the first bottoming phase in the 9-year cycle. This is not the year for Netta Barzilai to start a new project or have big plans. The advice for Netta Barzilai is that She can rest, and strengthen Her inner strength to prepare for the 5th year.

Net Worth


Netta Barzilai's estimated Net Worth, Salary, Income, Cars, Lifestyles & many more details have been updated below. Let's check, How Rich is She in 2023-2024?
According to Forbes, Wikipedia, IMDB, and other reputable online sources, Netta Barzilai has an estimated net worth of $2-5 Million at the age of 31 years old. She has earned most of her wealth from her thriving career as a World Music Singer from Israel. It is possible that She makes money from other undiscovered sources

Houses & Cars & Luxury Brands


Netta Barzilai's house, cars and luxury brand in 2024 will be updated as soon as possible, you can also click edit to let us know about this information.


Facts About Netta Barzilai


● Netta Barzilai was born on January 22, 1993 (age 31) in Hod HaSharon, Israel
● She is a Celebrity World Music Singer
● Her nationality is Israeli
● Her genres are Pop,electropop
● She joined tvshow named Rising Star
● In Her career, Netta Barzilai has achieved an ACUM's Award for Outstanding International Achievement
● You can find Her website below:
● Netta Barzilai has an estimated net worth of $2-5 Million (Last Update: September 18, 2024).
● Her real name is Netta Barzilai



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