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Joana Carneiro image

Joana Carneiro

Birthday September 30, 1976 (age 48)
Birthplace Lisbon , Portugal
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How old is Joana Carneiro: 48 years old Female

Birthday: September 30, 1976

Zodiac sign: Libra
Nationality: Lisbon , Portugal
Education: Northwestern University;
Parents: Roberto Carneiro
Net Worth: $2-5 Million

Joana Carneiro Wikipedia

🎂 Countdown to Joana Carneiro's birthday in Lisbon Time🎉
🎉 Happy Birthday Joana Carneiro! 🎂

Joana Carneiro's About


Joana Carneiro was born on September 30, 1976 (age 48) in Lisbon, Portugal. She is a Celebrity Conductor. Known for her work with the Orquestra Sinfonica Portuguesa, the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra, the Metropolitan Orchestra of Lisbon, and the Berkeley Symphony, this Portuguese-born conductor was also a fellow with the Los Angeles Philharmonic.
Her education: Northwestern University. The parents of Joana Carneiro are Roberto Carneiro. Joana Carneiro has an estimated net worth of $2-5 Million (Last Update: August 22, 2024). More information on Joana Carneiro can be found here. This article will clarify Joana Carneiro's Casamento, Pinto, Gulbenkian, Chega, Conselho De Estado, Helsinki, Linkedin, Irmãos, Reis, Beauty, and other information.


Joana Carneiro FAQ

Family, Spouse, Dating, and Relationships of Joana Carneiro


She and her eight siblings were born to Portuguese education minister Roberto Carneiro. Her uncle, Adelino Amaro da Costa, also had a political career.

Joana Carneiro on Social Media


Joana Carneiro Before Fame


Joana Carneiro, born 9-30-1976, before achieving notoriety as a Conductor, after training at the Academia Nacional Superior de Orquestra in her native Portugal, she earned advanced degrees in music from Northwestern University (in Illinois, U.S.A.) and the University of Michigan.

Success of Joana Carneiro


In Conductor professional career, in 2002, she was the winner of a conductor competition organized by the Young Musicians' Foundation and a finalist in Carnegie Hall's Maazel-Vilar conducting competition.

Associated with


She and violinist Lara St. John (Violinist) both worked with the Gulbenkian Orchestra in Lisbon, Portugal. Seiji Ozawa, Mitch Miller, Herbert von Karajan, and Alondra de la Parra were also Her acquaintances.

Lara St. John

Lara St. John


The Numerology of Joana Carneiro


In Numerology, People with the Life Path Number 8 are usually associated with being natural and prolific leaders. They have excellent management skills and are always up to achieving something great, especially when involved in financial or business matters. Joana Carneiro is a person like that.


Joana Carneiro's personal year in numerology


Joana Carneiro was born in 1976, that means in 2024, Joana Carneiro has personal year number 2. Although the personal year number 2 does not have the same strength as the personal year number 1, the personal year number 2 is more inclined to peace of mind. Happiness is Joana Carneiro's gift in this year.

Net Worth


Joana Carneiro's estimated Net Worth, Salary, Income, Cars, Lifestyles & many more details have been updated below. Let's check, How Rich is She in 2023-2024?
According to Forbes, Wikipedia, IMDB, and other reputable online sources, Joana Carneiro has an estimated net worth of $2-5 Million at the age of 48 years old. She has earned most of her wealth from her thriving career as a Conductor from Portugal. It is possible that She makes money from other undiscovered sources

Houses & Cars & Luxury Brands


Joana Carneiro's house, cars and luxury brand in 2024 will be updated as soon as possible, you can also click edit to let us know about this information.


Facts About Joana Carneiro


● Joana Carneiro was born on September 30, 1976 (age 48) in Lisbon, Portugal
● She is a Celebrity Conductor
● Her education: Northwestern University
The parents of Joana Carneiro are Roberto Carneiro
● Joana Carneiro has an estimated net worth of $2-5 Million (Last Update: August 22, 2024).
● Her real name is Joana Carneiro


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Neeme Jarvi
Fritz Reiner
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Seiji Ozawa
Charles MacKerras
