Issam Alnajjar image

Issam Alnajjar image

Issam Alnajjar

Birthday May 12, 2003 (age 21)
Birthplace Amman , Jordan
Most Popular
★ Boost
Biographical Information (2003-05-12) 12 May 2003 (age 20)
Amman [2], Jordan



Singer, guitarist, actor

Years active2020–present
Associated Record Labels

Universal Arabic Music

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This is the Wikipedia page for Issam Alnajjar

🎂 Countdown to Issam Alnajjar's birthday in Amman Time🎉
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Issam Alnajjar's About


Issam Alnajjar was born on May 12, 2003 (age 21) in Amman, Jordan. He is a Celebrity TikTok Star. Short-form content creator on TikTok who is known for sharing vocal and lip-sync performances on his verified issamalnajjarr account. He has more than 1.5 million followers on the platform. According to numerology, Issam Alnajjar's Life Path Number is 4.
His genre is Pop. You can find His website below: Issam Alnajjar has an estimated net worth of $2-5 Million (Last Update: August 23, 2024). More information on Issam Alnajjar can be found here. This article will clarify Issam Alnajjar's Hadal Ahbek English Lyrics, Song Download, Hadal Ahbek Slowed, Tmo, Hadal Ahbek Translation English, Baree, Hadal Ahbek Mp3 Download, Hadal Ahbek Videos, Tiktok, Hada Ghareeb Lyrics, and other information.

Issam Alnajjar


Issam Alnajjar FAQ

Family, Spouse, Dating, and Relationships of Issam Alnajjar


He was born in Amman, Jordan. His cousin introduced him to music by lending him a guitar.

Issam Alnajjar

Issam Alnajjar on Social Media


Issam Alnajjar Before Fame


Issam Alnajjar, born 5-12-2003, preceding his celebrity status in TikTok Star, he posted his first TikTok in October of 2019. In one of his earliest videos, he covered Frank Sinatra (Pop Singer)'s "Fly Me to the Moon." 

Frank Sinatra

Frank Sinatra

Pop Singer

Success of Issam Alnajjar


As an accomplished TikTok Star, his TikToks have generated more than 18 million total likes. One of his most popular TikToks has received over 13 million views. 

Associated with


He created a lip-sync duet video featuring fellow content creator Bella Poarch (TikTok Star).  Charli D'Amelio, Lexi Rivera, Sunday Kalogeras, and Cash Baker were also His acquaintances.

Bella Poarch

Bella Poarch

TikTok Star

The Numerology of Issam Alnajjar


Issam Alnajjar's Life Path Number is 4 as per numerology. The Life Path Number 4 is associated with people who are practical, sensible, pragmatic and rational by nature. They are quite methodical and well ordered apart from being efficient in their essence. It means they have a rational thought process while making any decision in life.


Issam Alnajjar's personal year in numerology


Issam Alnajjar was born in 2003, that means in 2024, Issam Alnajjar has personal year number 7. This is the second bottoming phase, there will be many challenges and difficulties for Issam Alnajjar in this year, especially in His career. He should prepare everything for the 8th year.

Net Worth


Issam Alnajjar's estimated Net Worth, Salary, Income, Cars, Lifestyles & many more details have been updated below. Let's check, How Rich is He in 2023-2024?
According to Forbes, Wikipedia, IMDB, and other reputable online sources, Issam Alnajjar has an estimated net worth of $2-5 Million at the age of 21 years old. He has earned most of his wealth from his thriving career as a TikTok Star from Jordan. It is possible that He makes money from other undiscovered sources

Issam Alnajjar

Houses & Cars & Luxury Brands


Issam Alnajjar's house, cars and luxury brand in 2024 will be updated as soon as possible, you can also click edit to let us know about this information.


Facts About Issam Alnajjar


● Issam Alnajjar was born on May 12, 2003 (age 21) in Amman, Jordan
● He is a Celebrity TikTok Star
● His genre is Pop
● You can find His website below:
● Issam Alnajjar has an estimated net worth of $2-5 Million (Last Update: August 23, 2024).
● His real name is Issam Alnajjar



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