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Dom Brack image

Dom Brack

Birthday July 28, 2003 (age 21)
Birthplace United States
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How old is Dom Brack: 21 years old Male

Birthday: July 28, 2003

Zodiac sign: Leo
Nationality: United States
How tall is Dom Brack : 5 feet11 inches
Net Worth: $1 million

Dom Brack Wikipedia

🎂 Countdown to Dom Brack's birthday in New York Time🎉
🎉 Happy Birthday Dom Brack! 🎂

Dom Brack's About


Dom Brack was born on July 28, 2003 (age 21) in United States. He is a Celebrity TikTok Star. TikTok star and actor who is known for his comedy videos as well as his viral dances. He is also known for his short modeling clips and lip synch content which he also shares with his over 3.8 million fans. He often posts videos with other TikTok creators such as Zachary Ryan (TikTok Star) and Ashley Wicka (YouTube Star).
His height is 5 feet11 inches. Dom Brack has an estimated net worth of $1 million. More information on Dom Brack can be found here. This article will clarify Dom Brack's Net Worth, Buzz Cut, Sofie Dossi, And Jenna Davis, And Sofie Dossi, Tiktok, Songs, Zodiac Sign, Girlfriend, and other information.

Zachary Ryan

Zachary Ryan

TikTok Star
Ashley Wicka

Ashley Wicka

YouTube Star


Dom Brack FAQ

Family, Spouse, Dating, and Relationships of Dom Brack


He shared a photo with his sister Ari through Instagram in February of 2019. He started dating fellow TikTok star Sofie Dossi (Gymnast) in November 2020 but the couple later split in 2022. 

Sofie Dossi

Sofie Dossi


Dom Brack on Social Media


Dom Brack Before Fame


Dom Brack, born 7-28-2003, before achieving notoriety as a TikTok Star, he gained his first acting experience with a role in a production of A Christmas Carol at the age of ten. He first started sharing videos through his TikTok in September of 2018. His first viral hit was a dance filmed during his class which earned him a spot on the ForYou page as well as 70,000 likes. 

Success of Dom Brack


In TikTok Star professional career, he is also an influencer and ambassador for the MashDay app. He began studying acting at the Orange County High School of the Arts. 

Associated with


He attended the GenZ Social Summit alongside fellow influencers Life with MaK (YouTube Star), Jax Malcolm (TV Actor), and Connor Dean (TV Actor) whom he shared photos with through Instagram in October of 2019.  Sofie Dossi, Zachary Ryan, and Ashley Wicka were also His acquaintances.

Life with MaK

Life with MaK

YouTube Star
Jax Malcolm

Jax Malcolm

TV Actor
Connor Dean

Connor Dean

TV Actor

The Numerology of Dom Brack


Dom Brack's Life Path Number is 4 as per numerology. The Life Path Number 4 is associated with people who are practical, sensible, pragmatic and rational by nature. They are quite methodical and well ordered apart from being efficient in their essence. It means they have a rational thought process while making any decision in life.


Dom Brack's personal year in numerology


Dom Brack was born in 2003, that means in 2024, Dom Brack has personal year number 7. This is the second bottoming phase, there will be many challenges and difficulties for Dom Brack in this year, especially in His career. He should prepare everything for the 8th year.

Net Worth


Dom Brack's estimated Net Worth, Salary, Income, Cars, Lifestyles & many more details have been updated below. Let's check, How Rich is He in 2023-2024?
According to Forbes, Wikipedia, IMDB, and other reputable online sources, Dom Brack has an estimated net worth of $1 million at the age of 21 years old. He has earned most of his wealth from his thriving career as a TikTok Star from United States. It is possible that He makes money from other undiscovered sources

Dom Brack Height Weight


At the age of 21, Dom Brack height is 5 feet11 inches.

Dom Brack 18 years18 years

Houses & Cars & Luxury Brands


Dom Brack's house, cars and luxury brand in 2024 will be updated as soon as possible, you can also click edit to let us know about this information.


Facts About Dom Brack


● Dom Brack was born on July 28, 2003 (age 21) in United States
● He is a Celebrity TikTok Star
● His height is 5 feet11 inches
● Dom Brack has an estimated net worth of $1 million
● His real name is Dom Brack


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