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Maria Nina Ricci image

Maria Nina Ricci

Birthday January 14, 1883 (age 87)
Birthplace Turin , Italy
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How old is Maria Nina Ricci: 87 years old Female

Birthday: January 14, 1883

Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Nationality: Turin , Italy
Spouse: Luigi Ricci (m. 1904–1970)
Death date: November 30, 1970
Full_Name: Maria Adélaide Nielli
Nationality: French
Died: November 28, 1970, Paris, France
Children: Robert Ricci

Maria Nina Ricci Wikipedia

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🎉 Happy Birthday Maria Nina Ricci! 🎂

Maria Nina Ricci's About


Maria Nina Ricci was born on January 14, 1883 (age 87) in Turin, Italy. She is a Celebrity Fashion Designer. French fashion designer of haute couture and fragrances. She became particularly known for her romantic gown designs. According to numerology, Maria Nina Ricci's Life Path Number is 8.
Her real name is Maria Adélaide Nielli. Her nationality is French. She died on November 28, 1970, Paris, France. She had 1 child Robert Ricci. Her spouse is Luigi Ricci (m. 1904–1970). More information on Maria Nina Ricci can be found here. This article will clarify Maria Nina Ricci's Net Worth, Wikipedia, Age, Birthday, Height, Numerology and other information.


Family, Spouse, Dating, and Relationships of Maria Nina Ricci


She was married to Luigi Ricci until her death in 1970.

Maria Nina Ricci on Social Media


Maria Nina Ricci Before Fame


Maria Nina Ricci, born 1-14-1883, earlier in her life, prior to becoming a designer, she worked as an apprentice for a dressmaker.

Success of Maria Nina Ricci


As an accomplished Fashion Designer, like Elizabeth Taylor (Movie Actress), she had an infatuation with jewelry and especially diamonds.

Elizabeth Taylor

Elizabeth Taylor

Movie Actress

Associated with


She and designer Yves Saint Laurent (Fashion Designer) were two extremely successful French fashion designers. Coco Chanel, Elizabeth Taylor, and Guccio Gucci were also Her acquaintances.

Yves Saint Laurent

Yves Saint Laurent

Fashion Designer

The Numerology of Maria Nina Ricci


In Numerology, People with the Life Path Number 8 are usually associated with being natural and prolific leaders. They have excellent management skills and are always up to achieving something great, especially when involved in financial or business matters. Maria Nina Ricci is a person like that.


Maria Nina Ricci's personal year in numerology


In 2024, Maria Nina Ricci’s personal year number is 5, the year of freedom. This year is in phase of upward cycle, representing growth so that Maria Nina Ricci can start doing new things.

Maria Nina Ricci Net Worth


Information about Her net worth in 2024 is being updated as soon as possible by, You can also click edit to tell us what the Net Worth of the Maria Nina Ricci is


Facts About Maria Nina Ricci


● Maria Nina Ricci was born on January 14, 1883 (age 87) in Turin, Italy
● She is a Celebrity Fashion Designer
● Her real name is Maria Adélaide Nielli
● Her nationality is French
● She died on November 28, 1970, Paris, France
● She had 1 child Robert Ricci
● Her spouse is Luigi Ricci (m. 1904–1970)


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