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Charles MacKerras image

Charles MacKerras

Birthday November 17, 1925 (age 85)
Birthplace New York , United States
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How old is Charles MacKerras: 85 years old Male

Birthday: November 17, 1925

Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Nationality: New York , United States
Death date: July 14, 2010

Charles MacKerras Wikipedia

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🎉 Happy Birthday Charles MacKerras! 🎂

Charles MacKerras's About


Charles MacKerras was born on November 17, 1925 (age 84) in New York, United States. He is a Celebrity Conductor. Conductor known for his longtime work with the English National Opera and Sydney Symphony Orchestra.
More information on Charles MacKerras can be found here. This article will clarify Charles MacKerras's Gilbert And Sullivan, Box Set, Sir Conducts Mozart, Nutcracker Overture, Conductor, The Miller Of Dee, Mozart, Pronunciation, The Miller Of Dee Videos, Icon, and other information.


Charles MacKerras FAQ

Family, Spouse, Dating, and Relationships of Charles MacKerras


He married Judy Wilkins in 1947. The couple had two daughters, Fiona and Catherine.

Charles MacKerras on Social Media


Charles MacKerras Before Fame


Charles MacKerras, born 11-17-1925, before becoming well-known in the Conductor field, he studied violin, flute, oboe, and piano as a child.

Success of Charles MacKerras


As an accomplished Conductor, he served as the President of Trinity College of Music toward the end of his life and was a recognized authority on Janáček and Mozart's operas, as well as Gilbert and Sullivan's comic operas.

Associated with


He conducted in front of Queen Elizabeth II (Queen) at the Sydney Opera House in 1973. Seiji Ozawa, Mitch Miller, and Alondra de la Parra were also His acquaintances.

The Numerology of Charles MacKerras


Being a Life Path Number 9 means embarking on a lifelong quest to quench an insatiable thirst for growth and new experiences. Life Path Number 9 people like Charles MacKerras are always searching for more: more experiences, more education, more deep talks, and the next adventure.


Charles MacKerras's personal year in numerology


This year is Charles MacKerras’s personal year number 9. The number 9 is the peak of change because this is the time to close an old cycle and open a new cycle. There will be lots of new things in this year. Charles MacKerras may has chances such as moving house, changing job, severing some old relationships, giving birth to a new relationship…

Charles MacKerras Net Worth


Information about His net worth in 2024 is being updated as soon as possible by, You can also click edit to tell us what the Net Worth of the Charles MacKerras is


Facts About Charles MacKerras


● Charles MacKerras was born on November 17, 1925 (age 84) in New York, United States
● He is a Celebrity Conductor
● His real name is Charles MacKerras


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